Can a Christian Have a Spirit of Perversion and What to Do About It if Its Your Guy Friend?

Masturbation is sex activity with demons. It defiles and destroys your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit
1 Cor 6:18-nineteen Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a homo commits is outside his trunk, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you non know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own
Run into the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
Masturbation – Sex activity with Demons
Masturbation is about thoughts and imaginations. It's the result of non casting down imaginations and bringing thoughts to obedience of Christ (2 Cor ten:5)
Satan is able to feed u.s.a. thoughts and imaginations into our minds when he is not in us – from a distance; a far off. When you entertain his thoughts imaginations and voices, y'all find yourself doing what he wants, masturbating; sinning.
As yous daydream about his thoughts and imaginations, demons start manipulating your body, making you lot masturbate – you cannot see them physically with your optics but they are there
Today the enemy has come up up with sex toys, sexual practice objects, to aid masturbation, to steal kill and destroy humanity completely. Sex toys is an manufacture of the devil.
Masturbation is a spirit – a demon. This spirit of darkness does not come lonely, it is accompanied past spirit of lust.
Spirit of lust includes lust of eyes, lust of flesh, etc. It is one of the spirits that takes people to pornography and all sorts of sexual immorality.
Pornography is a fuel of masturbation.
Masturbation is a sin which grows very fast into addiction – a very bad habit
Masturbation tin effect from generational curse, inherited from generation to generation. Our parents and forefathers never tell u.s. the sins they did, addictions and curses they were in, and then when nosotros and our children first inheriting these curses, most of us blame God, others and see God in a bad light.
See charging God with wrong is a sin and blaming others
If you lot are in masturbation or was, do not be surprised if your children and grandchildren be in masturbation too.
Spiritual husband and married woman is besides a cause of masturbation. Spiritual husband and wife are of the harlot kingdom which includes Jezebel, marine kingdom, etc
See how to know if you take spiritual husband and wife
People masturbate in dreams but because they are not doing it physically, they say they are non masturbating – you lot are lying to yourself. In the same mode people have sex in dreams but deny that they are in sexual immorality because they are not doing information technology physically – information technology is a lie, denying yourself deliverance, freedom.
What Spirit of Masturbation Does
Masturbation is a spirit of Satan whose piece of work is to steal kill and destroy (John 10:10)
Masturbation defiles and destroys the temple of the Lord – the torso (1 Cor six)
It destroys the body that you lot cannot fulfill your wife or husband nor be fulfilled (1 Cor 7)
Information technology destroys the body of a human being that a man can laissez passer out sperms with simply a thought or imagination – its i crusade of premature ejaculation.
Coupled with spirit of lust, information technology makes a human being an brute – from your thoughts, to how you lot behave, what you see and want to see, uncontrollable desires and urges, etc – yous become an animal
Masturbation causes stagnation with no breakthrough
Every person who masturbates, watches pornography and is involved in whatsoever grade of sexual immorality is in life stagnation in 1 way or another.
Masturbation, pornography and all forms of sexual immorality shuts doors that if you were supposed to be in point B yous never move from betoken A simply brackish at point A.
When the enemy knows in the spiritual realm that at that place is a quantum or blessings coming, he makes you masturbate or exist involved in any form of sexual immorality and by that he has close your blessings, quantum, etc – he has stolen. And this is the biggest cause of stagnation in many people in the church building today.
By using the door of masturbation, the enemy can bring you whatsoever expletive, affliction and torment as he wills – he can steal as he wills. See how we open the door for the enemy
Many people want marriage only cannot become information technology because masturbation pornography and sexual immorality has shut it from them
The Solution to Masturbation
Masturbation is a spirit of darkness, a demon. Spirits are not fought physically but spiritually – it's non a fight against blood and flesh (Eph vi:12)
The world tells you to go rid of everything that makes you lot masturbate, physical things (not the spirits) but when the urge comes, you find yourself back to those things.
What spirits of darkness do is requite you an urge or passion you cannot stop or resist but only obey – a spirit that controls and manipulates yous as it wills
Every person giving you a physical solution to a spiritual problem is not helping you but leading you deeper into captivity, to perishing – exercise not utilise your energy or efforts to stop masturbation or any other addiction; information technology'south in vain
The first footstep to liberty is accepting, acknowledging whom you lot are. Accept y'all are in masturbation – say, 'I masturbate'.
In Christ Jesus we do not hibernate (cover) our sins, curses, afflictions, torments, etc, for if we hide we volition not exist delivered, prepare free, saved.
Many and so-called-Christians I have come into contact with use Bible, quoting Bible verses, the Proper name Jesus Christ, church, religion, tithing, sacrifices, etc to hibernate their afflictions, torments, curses, etc
Accept you lot masturbate and hibernate it non
After accepting whom you are in need of deliverance, apologize your sins including your forefather's sins – ask Jesus to wash your sins with the blood He shed on the cross and deliver you lot from the demons involved/associated with those sins.
Ask Jesus Christ where your deliverance is and run to it – run to Him. Recall in that location is time to pray and time to run physically to Jesus Christ
The merely solution to masturbation is running to Jesus Christ both physically and spiritually – He is faithful; He delivers, sets complimentary and heals all who come to Him
Deliverance in Jesus Christ casts out the spirits, the crusade of the desires urges and passions. When Jesus Christ delivers yous from masturbation, yous have no desire, no urge to masturbate at all, even the imaginations, thoughts and dreams disappear.
Many people claim to exist delivered but they are however in desires, urges, lusts, battling with flesh, sinning in dreams, etc – they are lying to themselves; y'all are not yet delivered.
In Jesus Christ we practise non starve the mankind, beat it, like Baal worshipers and what religion does, just we alive in freedom. Freedom is where you have no urges, desires, lusts, passions, etc, of sinning or doing what is incorrect.
Information technology is merely a person in liberty who has everything south/he needs to watch pornography but this person cannot because south/he has no desires, urges, nor passions for pornography
It is only a person in liberty who has money to buy all the alcohol in this world but he doesn't because he has no desires, lusts, passions, or urges for alcohol.
Are you complimentary? It is simply a free person who can set you free. A prisoner cannot set him/herself free. In masturbation you lot are in prison, in Egypt, in captivity, in need of deliverance.
Retrieve a kingdom does non fight itself (Mt 12) – a demon cannot cast out a demon
I myself was in masturbation and went to its depths and Lord led me out one time and all, so I don't teach theories, or what I don't know or have copied from others, but I preach and teach what the Lord has done and given me. Run into you cannot preach what you lot do not have
Because Jesus Christ taught me depths of masturbation, delivered me and send me to all in masturbation, I am a debtor to all people of Jesus Christ in masturbation. My happiness and joy is to run into you lot in liberty as I am.
Therefore when you come to me as a sinner seeking Jesus Christ, know you are talking to a person who has gone through what you lot are going and delivered, came out to liberty – I volition never open my mouth to condemn you lot but welcome you with open arms to Jesus Christ, for Jesus came for sinners (Lk 5:32) and to destroy the works of the devil (one John 3:8).
I practise non entertain the wicked neither be in their company (Psalms 26:4-5, Psalms 1:1)
Meet the difference between sin, iniquity, transgression and wickedness
When time came for me to come out of masturbation, God told me to become speak it to my brother (a blood brother in Christ Jesus I love) and God spoke this verses to me,
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for 1 another, that you may exist healed (James 5:16)
Reason I have told you to speak out, say 'I masturbate', speak your sins – I am here for you in His Will
Practice not let masturbation addition or whatsoever other sin take yous from Jesus Christ but let it lead to seeking Him the more than and He is faithful, He will deliver heal and relieve yous
If I was delivered, believe in my Jesus Christ, He will deliver you too
Many people in the church today are masturbating in one way or another, covering information technology with a blanket because no ane sees them, they do non encounter Jesus delivering people from information technology, some of their churches accept told them masturbation is non a sin, there preachers are all white (a lie) never telling them the things they passed through and where delivered because they are still in them knowing aught well-nigh Jesus Christ deliverance, etc
Jesus is Coming
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